Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Grow stronger ....

Learn from your mistakes
Grow stronger from the pain
The people who are rouge 
And always used u 
Don't be in pain because of them
It would be wise to get rid of them
Let u be more stronger
So they could not hurt you
And pain will not destroy you.


  1. I am very glad to see you again writing poems, prose with beatiful photos and illustrations. You have the power of finer expression both in Hindi and English. Just go on and go on. With best wishes- DN Rath

    1. Thanku dada,
      Whole cradit goes to you as its u who encouraged me to write poems and articles and to open a blog account.

  2. This is so nice that you are writing again ,, ( you might be stop writing here ) becoz of your health !1 but this is life and this is the why to live life ,, !! You are seemed tired but your heart is ready to walk more, to fly more, to go on with full of life !! !! thanks for this beautiful words and picture !! :)) best !! from Panjab !! :))
