Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Grow stronger ....

Learn from your mistakes
Grow stronger from the pain
The people who are rouge 
And always used u 
Don't be in pain because of them
It would be wise to get rid of them
Let u be more stronger
So they could not hurt you
And pain will not destroy you.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A great love story.

      Have read the great love story of Dostoevsky and his wife Anna. Heart touching story and gave me the feeling of Charlie Chaplin’s film Limelight.
         It is the time when there is an urgent need of such a concept of love. So the youngsters in printed shirt, cooling glass, low waist jeans with earphone in ear could realise the concept of love.  For these ‘modern’  youngsters love is everywhere, it is on internet, over phone, on roads, in malls, in shopping complexes, in PVRn n cinema halls, in schools and colleges and in restaurants but it is far away from their life. One day they love someone, next day they get fade up with that. Their love is very much calculated, it is purely based on the outward appearance or money.
            Love, if taken ethically give strength and creativity and such a relationship can never be fade up. Love which is based on higher morality and ethics gives new life. Dostoevsky and Anna’s lives proved that love can last forever when it is based on values and respecting the qualities of each other. Such a love even do not ended, when one of the two do not alive. When Anna got marry with Dostoevsky, at that time she was young and bright lady and Dostoevsky was a TB patient, a men who was in queer street. Dostoevsky died after 15 years of their marriage at the age of sixty. After his death Anna throughout her life was involved in finishing and publishing the incomplete literature of Dostoevsky. It is she who brought Dostoevsky into limelight  by publishing his work after his death. But she kept herself as an inglorious. Such was their great love.