Wednesday, December 6, 2017

मेरा जीवन रागिनी बन जाये

अँधियारा जिससे भाग जाये 

जीवन उजियारा हो जाये 

ऐसा दे दो राग मुझे तुम 

मेरा जीवन रागिनी हो जाये 

हो गया था समुद्र नाराज़ जिस नाव से 

पा गयी प्यार वह आज एक मझधार से 

बुझ गया था जो दिया भोर में ही दीन सा 

तुमने आकर उसे आज फिर से जला दिया 

अब चाहे कितनी भी आंधी आये 

कितना भी समुद्र हो जाये नाराज़ 

लेकर चलो तुम मुझे वहां 

जहाँ कभी न फिर अँधियारा छाए 

ऐसा दे दो राग मुझे तुम 

मेरा जीवन रागिनी हो जाये 

छूटा हुआ छोर मेरी जिंदगी का अब तुम पकड़ा दो 

रुके हुए जीवन का मेरे तुम संगीत बजा दो 

हाथ थामकर मेरा तुम ले चलो वहां 

मानव का मानव से रिश्ता गहरा हो जहाँ 

चन्दन हर मिट्टी हो जाये 

चन्दन हर बगिया बन जाये 

ऐसा दे दो राग मुझे तुम 

मेरा जीवन रागिनी बन जाए 

जबसे आँगन में मेरे प्यार तुम्हारा उतरा है 

मेरे बाग़ की हर कली का रुख निखार गया है 

जबसे तुमको पाया है जीवन नया मुझे मिला है 

मानो उजड़ा हुआ बाग़ फिर से खिला है 

तुम ऐसा बरसा दो रंग मुझ पर 

जिसमे जन्म जन्म तक मन भीगा जाये 

ऐसे सजा दो सुर मुझमे तुम 

की ख्वाब मेरे हकीकत बन जाएँ 

ऐसा दे दो राग मुझे तुम 

कि मेरा जीवन रागिनी बन जाये 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Beauty of life

Adopt the pace of nature
Her secrete is to living for others
No two people see the rainbow
The same way high in the sky
The beauty of nature touches
Each his own way
If you feel the joy
Which you can not measures
You are close to your heart
Which is priceless treasures
Let your life lightly dance
On the edges of time
Like dew on the tip of leaf
During morning time
Count the garden by the flowers
Never by the leaves that fall
Count your life with smiles
And not the tears that roll
Don’t let the pain of one season
Destroy the joy of all the rest
Don’t judge the life
By one difficult season
Flower that blooms
In adversity is rarest
And most beautiful of all
Dark is not opposite of light
It is just absence of light
A problem is absence of an idea
Not absence of a solution
It does not matter
For how long room has been dark
The moment you bring a candle
Darkness vanishes lake it was never there
It does not matter for how long
We are stuck in a sense of our limitation
The moment you decide to break free
Nothing will stop you
At the mercy of wind
A leaf fall from tree
it goes wherever wind takes it
be the wind to drive others
not leaf to be driven by others
if u think positively
sounds become music
movements become dance
smiles become laughter
mind become meditation
and life become a celebration

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Van Gogh; the great artist

I am the great admire of Van Gogh’s paintings, so have been collecting his paintings since long. At whatever place I stayed these paintings were always the part of my room. I always thought that the artist who have such finest feeling, great sense of beauty and who is a great admire of nature and mankind, must have a beautiful world around him. Now after watching the film and reading the novel on his life, I came to know the artist, whose paintings are so much living and reflect the beauty of world weather they are starry night paintings, paintings of white flowers n blooming garden, paintings of spring n autumn, paintings of crop field and sunflower or his own portrait, have gone through how much hard and tough life. Throughout his life he struggled to find a place to stay. But wherever he went, in whatever adverse condition he lived, he found the beauty in that and painted it. Even in most adverse condition of his life he said- ‘I have nature and art and poetry then what else I need?’’ Without eating, drinking and sleeping for days he restlessly kept on paint the colours of nature and beauty of world. But he himself never could find a life full of colours, a life full of beauty. And at last when he could not find any place for him in this brutal world and he ended his life by committing the suicide.
            He took birth in a very rich and renowned family. It was he who himself choose the hard and tough life. Instead of luxury he choose the poverty and scarcity only to paint the beauty of life and colours of nature. Because it  was the only art which could give satisfaction to his great soul. I wonder how he had the power to keep on through poverty and mental illness. Even in extreme poverty condition he did not sale any of his work and created more beautiful art one after another. He never could get a word of appreciation and recognition of his work till he was alive. But he continuously kept paint the beauty of life, as he loved the life and mankind. In his own words- ‘There is nothing more truly artistic then to love people’. His life proved that a life lived for others, for benevolence of mankind, it may be hard and tough but it is the only life which is worthwhile and can give satisfaction and enjoyment to a great soul.
        The lesson which I learned from this artist is, the importance of work: when life is difficult, the best route to happiness is to stay busy in your favorite work and to appreciate as fully as possible the beauty of every moment in life and enjoy it.
          Some people do not die even after their biological death, they remain always alive. Van Gogh was one of them. He will live forever in his great and living art.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

जीवन सफर

माना के सफर है कठिन बहुत,मगर तू राही हार ना जाना 
जीवन की उलझी राह संवार, तू आगे बढ़ते जाना

हमेशा नहीं रहता समय, मुश्किल भरा एक जैसा 
कोई नहीं इंसान यंहा पर, जिसने दुख ना झेला 
बीते दिनो की याद को बिसराकर, तू आगे  बढ़ते जाना 
ढूंढ लेना तू नयी मंजिल, नयी ज़मी ,ये नया आसमा 
घबराना ना तू मुश्किल से, हारकर रुक मत जाना 
जीवन की उलझी राह संवार, तू आगे बढ़ते जाना

शाम को जो सूरज अंधियारे में खो जाये
वही लौटकर फिर नया सवेरा लाये 
जीवन की ये मुश्किल काट ले तू हॅसते-२
मिल जायेगी मंजिल एक रोज तो चलते -२
संघर्ष करके मुश्किलो से तुझको है आगे चलते जाना 
जीवन की उलझी राह संवार, तू आगे बढ़ते जाना

हो कितना भी गहरा अंधेरा, हो कितनी भी टेढ़ी डगर 
एक कोशिश और करना तू बैठ ना जाना हारकर 
इस अंधियारे से आगे जब तू बढ़ जायेगा 
ये सूरज भी तेरे आगे झुक जायेगा 
संगीन रात को भी है इक रोज़ तो ढल जाना
जीवन की उलझी राह संवार, तू आगे बढ़ते जाना

माना के सफर है कठिन बहुत, मगर तू राही हार ना जाना 
जीवन की उलझी राह संवार, तू आगे बढ़ते जाना